domingo, 3 de julho de 2016

Intrapersonal Intelligence

          In this post we will expose some informations about Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart).

 Intrapersonal Intelligence is the capacity to identify your own emotions and feelings, guiding yourself in a comfortable way to deal with necessary situations. Someone who has intrapersonal intelligence can decide and control its own behavior. People with this characteristic know very well all the things envolve them, what are their ambitions, what motivates them, what don't and where they want to reach.They usually see the success as a result of their effort, work and tenacity, they like to study by their own. It is essential to some professionals to have this intelligence, for example: philosophers, psychologists, authors, investigators and some athletes.                 

    How to identify students with the Intra Personal Intelligence?
- Focus and concentration on activities performed.
- Determination and persistence to achieve the results.

- Discipline.

- Greater capacity for acquirement.

- Independence to create their own way.

How can EFL teachers develop Intra Personal Intelligence in the second language classroom?

- By promoting the definition of personal goals and realistics strategies.
- Helping them to establish personal purpose to their studies.
- Suggesting them different strategies of learning.

- Estimulating them to make a self-evaluation of their learning after each study session.

The video below explains about it:

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