Naturalistic, Intrapersonal

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Bodily–kinesthetic, Existential

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terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2016

Short Video Presentation of Multiple Intelligences Theory

This is a video made by UFPI students about the Multiple Intelligences Theory


REFERENCES:  article "Multiple Intelligence Theory and Foreing Language Learning: A Brain-based Perspective"Written by Jane Arnold Morgan & M Carmen Fonseca

segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2016

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

In this post, we will present some characteristics and concepts about the Visual - Spatial Intelligence.

This kind of intelligence is basically the ability to create necessarily a mental image to perceive some elements like: shape, form, space, line and etc, even in the absence of relevant stimulus. Spatial intelligence is also referred to "visual thinking". A good example of this, is when someone reads a map easily.
It deals with patterns, designs and so on. Generally, the main hobbies of a person that has Visual-Spatial Intelligence are: collage, video, photography origami, video games, chess, jigsaws, drawing and painting.

How to identify students with Visual-Spatial Intelligence?
- They usually enjoy geometry at school.
- They are good in solving visual puzzles
- Good at drawing, and they can visualize pictures in their heads.
- Notice colors and shapes.
- Good with directions and they can remember places vividly

How EFL teachers can develop the Visual-Spatial Intelligence in the second language classroom?
-By visiting art galleries with the class.
- By watching movies in classroom.
- Asking them to illustrate a story.
- To ask them, from memory to draw a map of a familiar area.
- By suggesting them to make a different route to get at school.

Some videos About Visual-Spatial Intelligence:


Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

In this post we will explain about the Logical/Mathematical Intelligence 

This intelligence is related to calculations, logic, critical thinking and abstracting thinking. People with highly developed logical mathematically intelligence are able to understand systems and patterns, can rely on abstract thinking to solve problems, and can make logical and pratical decisions easily.

How to Identify students with Logical/Mathematical sensibility?
People with Logical Intelligence are abstract thinkers and are atracted to logic and reasoning. Some of them characteristics are:
- Can easily do math in their head
- Good at strategy games
- Organize things by category
- Looks for a rational explanation

How can EFL teachers develop the Logical/Mathematical In the second language classroom?
- Doing Logical Analisys
- Doing Logical Exercises
- Using concrete objects

Some videos about Logical/Mathematical Intelligence:

Linguistic Intelligence

In this post we will explain about the Linguistic Intelligence

This kind of intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accompish certain goals. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically, and language as a means to remember a information. Writers, poets, lawyears and speakers are among those that Howard Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligence.

How can EFL teachers can develop the linguistic intelligence in the second langague classroom?

- Verbal presentation

- books
- word games
- debates
- writing activities
- students reports
- journal writing

How to identify students with the linguistic intelligence? 
Some of them characteristics are:
- good at remembering written and spoken information
- enjoys reading and writing
- good at debating persuasive speeches
- able to explain things well
- often uses humor when telling stories

Some videos about the linguistic intelligence

domingo, 3 de julho de 2016

Intrapersonal Intelligence

          In this post we will expose some informations about Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart).

 Intrapersonal Intelligence is the capacity to identify your own emotions and feelings, guiding yourself in a comfortable way to deal with necessary situations. Someone who has intrapersonal intelligence can decide and control its own behavior. People with this characteristic know very well all the things envolve them, what are their ambitions, what motivates them, what don't and where they want to reach.They usually see the success as a result of their effort, work and tenacity, they like to study by their own. It is essential to some professionals to have this intelligence, for example: philosophers, psychologists, authors, investigators and some athletes.                 

    How to identify students with the Intra Personal Intelligence?
- Focus and concentration on activities performed.
- Determination and persistence to achieve the results.

- Discipline.

- Greater capacity for acquirement.

- Independence to create their own way.

How can EFL teachers develop Intra Personal Intelligence in the second language classroom?

- By promoting the definition of personal goals and realistics strategies.
- Helping them to establish personal purpose to their studies.
- Suggesting them different strategies of learning.

- Estimulating them to make a self-evaluation of their learning after each study session.

The video below explains about it:

Interpersonal Intelligence

           This following post will explain a little bit about the Interpersonal IntelligenceAccording to the article "Multiple Intelligence Theory and Foreign Language Learning: A Brain-based Perspective" by Jane Arnold Morgan & Mª Carmen Fonseca, "the ability to understand other people, to work cooperatively and to communicate effectively is part of the interpersonal intelligence and strongly connected to learning a second language". We believe that language learning is a process that envolves social interaction and promotes the development of communicative competence which has a great importance in the language learning process.

           It means that someone who has interpersonal intelligence is able to harmonize with groups, understand people's perspectives, feelings, opinions and can learn easily through social interaction, dialogues and etc. People with this kind of intelligence are usualy good at communicating verbally, they see situations from different views, create positive relationshipd with others, they are good at resolving problems/conflicts in groups and have a skill at nonverbal communication.

 How can EFL teachers develop the Interpesonal Intelligence in the second language classroom?   Here goes some examples, they can do that by: 
- Applying some activities in groups at school.
 - Making the students work together.- Asking presentations in front of the class.
- Creating situations where they need to help each other.
- Stimulating them to read, by giving books and texts asking their opinions about it.

How to identify students with the Interpersonal Intelligence?

- Those who learn best through interactive exercises.

- The ones who have no difficulties to make presentations in front of the class.
- They usually like to talk to everybody and keep lots of friends.
- They like to communicate and to know new people.


Bodily-Kineasthetic Intelligence

In this post we will explain about the bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence.
This intelligence describes the abilities to use the body or parts of the body to solve problems. So, people who has this kind of intelligence can communicate well through body language and other physical gestures. People with  bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence may enjoy doing things rather than reading or hearing about them, and are good at making things and at physical activities in general. Dancers, athletes, gymnasts, actors are examples of people who has this kind of intelligence in a higher level.

How to identify students with the Bodily Kineasthetic intelligence?

- Learn best by doing rather than reading or listening

- Have the ability to manipulate objects, using fine and gross motor skills

- Tend to use the entire body to express themselves

- Are generally good at physical activities

- Like to build things

How can EFL teachers develop the Bodily-Kineasthic Intelligence in the second language classroom? 
- Include role-play activities.

- Utilize manipulatives.

- Use field trips for learning experiences.

- Create learning centers in the classroom.

- Have students create models if appropriate.

- Act out literature or classroom readings.

- Make a video presentation for the class.

Some videos about the Bodily-Kineasthetic Intelligence