segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2016

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

In this post we will explain about the Logical/Mathematical Intelligence 

This intelligence is related to calculations, logic, critical thinking and abstracting thinking. People with highly developed logical mathematically intelligence are able to understand systems and patterns, can rely on abstract thinking to solve problems, and can make logical and pratical decisions easily.

How to Identify students with Logical/Mathematical sensibility?
People with Logical Intelligence are abstract thinkers and are atracted to logic and reasoning. Some of them characteristics are:
- Can easily do math in their head
- Good at strategy games
- Organize things by category
- Looks for a rational explanation

How can EFL teachers develop the Logical/Mathematical In the second language classroom?
- Doing Logical Analisys
- Doing Logical Exercises
- Using concrete objects

Some videos about Logical/Mathematical Intelligence:

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Um comentário:

  1. Great attractive and informative story, i got huge of important idea from your post. A big thanks for sharing with us !!
